Fieldfolio Help

When the MYOB AccountRight Live integration creates an order in my company file, what attributes does it set?

With reference to the MYOB AccountRight Live API specification for item orders, the following attributes are set when a Fieldfolio order is created in your MYOB company file:

Date The order's Order Date
ShipToAddress The order's Ship To address (formatted as a single string without line breaks, per the API specification)
CustomerPurchaseOrderNumber The order's Order Ref
Customer The order's Customer
IsTaxInclusive False
Lines Each of the order's Lines
FreightTaxCode The default freight tax code, as defined in the integration's configuration
Comment The order's Note
ShippingMethod The order's Shipping Method
JournalMemo Rep Name, #Order ID, Customer Name
PromisedDate The order's Ship Date if set, otherwise the order's Order Date
DeliveryStatus To be Printed and Emailed

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