Fieldfolio Help

Xero integration log

View the status of orders synced to Xero.

The Xero Log page allows you to view the status of syncing individual orders to your Xero organisation, and take action to resolve any errors that may occur when syncing an order.

Sync status

Orders displayed in the log can have one of the following sync statuses:

  • Pending
  • Succeeded
  • Failed

Syncing an order to Xero

In the process of syncing a newly-created order to Xero, Fieldfolio undertakes a number of steps:

Finding or creating the order's customer in Xero

First, your Xero organisation is queried for the order's customer using the following criteria:

  • First, by looking for a contact where the Xero AccountNumber matches the Fieldfolio Reference
  • If this fails, looking for a contact where the Xero Name matches the Fieldfolio Name

If the customer is found in the Xero organisation, syncing the customer is successful.

If the customer is not found in the Xero organisation and the 'Automatically create missing customers in Xero' integration configuration option is enabled, the customer will be automatically created in the Xero organisation using the data for the customer in Fieldfolio.

The next step is then to sync the order's products.

Finding the order's products in Xero

For each product in the order, the selected Xero organisation is queried for an item with a Code that matches the Fieldfolio product's SKU.

If a corresponding item is found in the Xero organisation, syncing the product is successful.

Creating the order in Xero

The final step of the sync process is to create the order (as an 'Invoice') in the Xero organisation.

If the order's customer was successfully found or created in the Xero organisation, and all products were found in the Xero organisation, the order is then created in Xero and the status of syncing the order is marked as 'Succeeded'.

If the customer could not be found or created in the Xero organisation or any of the products could not be found, syncing the order will fail and its status will be marked as 'Failed'. Manual intervention will then be necessary to resolve this failure — this process is detailed below.

Resolving sync failures

When syncing an order to Xero fails, the log will display information detailing why the sync failed (for example, because the customer and/or products couldn't be found in the Xero organisation).

Clicking Resolve for the order will display three options for resolving the sync failure:

  • Auto Sync
  • Retry
  • Dismiss

Auto Sync

Clicking Auto Sync will result in Fieldfolio creating any missing customer and/or product(s) in Xero and attempting to create the order in Xero again.


The Retry option retries the sync but without creating any missing customer and/or product(s) in Xero. This is the option to choose if you've confirmed that these records exists in your Xero organisation and that their identifiers match those for the records in Fieldfolio.


If you don't want to create or change any customer or product data in your Xero organisation so that the order can be created, you can Dismiss the sync failure to remove the error message displayed in the log.

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